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Carbon monoxide detector: when and where to install it?

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Carbon monoxide is an odorless and colorless gas responsible for many poisoning each year,, the most serious of which have,, unfortunately,, a fatal outcome.If,, your home contains devices likely to free them and this risk scares you,, it is quite possible to equip yourself with a system capable of detecting it,, in order to ensure your safety and that of your loved ones.When to install such a device and where to put it?

When to equip yourself with a carbon monoxide detector?

S’il détecteur monoxyde de carbone obligatoire location,, contrairement au détecteur de fumée,, le détecteur de monoxyde de carbone est un équipement précieux pour veiller sur vos proches,, face à une menace indétectable,, sans lui.Thus,, it is advisable to equip it as soon as you have a risk device.

Détecteur de monoxyde de carbone : quand et où l'installer ?

What are the sources of carbon monoxide?

Carbon monoxide,, or CO,, emerges during the incomplete combustion of certain fuels within a heating device.

How does a carbon monoxide detector work?

Dès lors que l’appareil détecte,, par l'intermédiaire d’une réaction chimique,, la présence de monoxyde de carbone dans l’air du logement,, il émet une alarme afin de prévenir ses habitants du danger imminent d’une intoxication.

The higher the CO concentration in the air,, the faster the detector will ring.

Also,, there is no risk of confusing the alarm of this system and that of a smoke detector,, because they emit different warnings,, both in terms of its rhythm.

How to react in the event of a carbon monoxide alert?

Unlike smoke detectors,, untimely alarms are rare on these products.Thus,, if your device sounds,, it is necessary to react quickly by having the right reflexes:

Stop the heating devices,, if possible,,

Get widely by opening the doors and windows,,

Leave your accommodation,,

Contact help,, especially in case of characteristic symptoms: headache,, vomiting,, drowsiness,, confusion...,,

Do not enter your accommodation as long as the alarm continues to ring,,

Have all your equipment controlled by an expert before any new use.

Refovering message

These government instructions recall good practices

En résumé,, le détecteur de monoxyde de carbone est un dispositif fiable,, mais non-obligatoire,, qui peut pourtant sauver des vies dans le cas d’une habitation équipée d’appareils à risque. Il est donc dommage de se priver de son installation,, d’autant plus qu’il ne s’agit pas d’un système onéreux ou contraignant quant à son entretien.