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Law360 Law360 Pulse Law360 Authority Global Patent Specification Concerns Make IPRs Tricky For Drug Cos.

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By Dani Kass (January 28, 2022,8:46 PM EST) -- Attorneys on both sides of drug patent challenges at the Patent Trial and Appeal Board have to be extremely cautious to draft an obviousness argument in a way that doesn't undermine one for written description or enablement, according to an IPWatchdog panel.While inter partes reviews involve only challenges based on obviousness — under Section 103 of the Patent Act — or anticipation, attorneys said arguments in the case have a high potential to hurt challenges in district courts or the U.S. International Trade Commission based on Section 112. The latter section deals with whether the patent's specification sufficiently describes what...

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Law360 Law360 Pulse Law360 Authority Global Patent Specification Concerns Make IPRs Tricky For Drug Cos.


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