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Research Shows Majority of Business Decision-Makers to Use, or Evaluating, Process Mining This Year

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NEW YORK & MUNICH--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Celonis, the pioneer and global leader in process mining and execution management, today released independent research showing that businesses are hindered by the complexity of multiple systems and processes, and lack understanding of their process data. These findings stem from the Forrester Consulting survey commissioned by Celonis: “Trends in Process Improvement and Data Execution: How Organizations are Improving Processes and Turning Process Data into Real-Time Action.”

The study found that business leaders are turning to process mining to deliver data and uncover insights about how their business operates. These insights are helping them to understand and improve the execution of a complex web of processes that power their company. These include supply chain and customer service processes that function across a vast range of systems, such as Enterprise Resource Planning, Supply Chain Management, Information Technology Service Management, spreadsheets and more.

The findings also show a range of business issues that are created when companies lack insights into how their processes are executing including increased cost, decreased efficiency, missed new business opportunities, lower productivity, high employee turnover rates, missed KPIs, loss of revenue, lower customer and employee satisfaction as well as loss of strategic vision.

“Process inefficiencies are the silent killers in businesses and they can't be seen without process mining,” said Wil van der Aalst, Chief Scientist at Celonis. “When process inefficiencies are seen and fixed business performance increases as well as the flexibility to read and react to business disruptions, inflation, pandemics and sustainability requirements."

The survey revealed that… “More than ever, organizations are tasked with navigating increasingly complex processes. The art of simplification — a useful business principle in theory — has, for many companies, evolved into problem-solving by adding, not subtracting, technologies. For others, it has meant wishfully throwing automation at complex processes, only to see a lack of fit lead to disappointing results. To optimize business performance, brands must quickly and objectively identify process inefficiencies and gather real time understandings of their inner workings at scale to meet company goals and successfully compete.”

Research Shows Majority of Business Decision-Makers to Use, or Evaluating, Process Mining This Year

The study captures insights from more than 800 decision-makers at companies worldwide.

Key Findings include:

Organizations are Failing to Optimize Processes, Losing Out on Key Opportunities

Organizations have historically struggled to develop, document and track processes, but on top of this, companies now wrestle with macroeconomic challenges such as inflation, supply chain disruptions and hybrid system environments, making process visibility even more critical now.

Elusive Real-Time Data Hampers Execution

The next phase of transforming business processes is moving from complete process visibility to complete real-time process visibility. In the modern consumer experience, reacting in real-time is table-stakes – imagine if Uber took more than a day to process requests. Why should business processes be different?

The lack of real-time data adoption by businesses to improve process visibility shows:

Based on the findings of Forrester’s research, Celonis makes the following recommendations to improve productivity (and therefore save resources and provide a better customer experience):

Celonis is the process mining market leader and pioneer of the execution management category. Its Execution Management System (EMS) is built across three pillars - data, intelligence, and action - to provide a 360-degree view of all business processes within an organization. Celonis’ EMS analyzes and identifies processes bottlenecks, automates fixes to them and makes actionable suggestions to put data to work for its customers.

Read more about the underlying issues and potential solutions in former ZDNet editor-in-chief Larry Dignan’s post here and our animated infographic here.


Celonis commissioned Forrester Consulting to evaluate the current state of process improvement and data execution within organizations. Forrester completed an online survey of 818 process owning and business execution decision-makers at organizations around the world to evaluate the state of process improvement and data execution within organizations. Survey participants included decision-makers in director positions and above within technology, data strategy, or oversight roles. Questions provided to the participants asked about process visibility, execution, and improvement. The study was carried out in September/October of 2021.

About Celonis

Celonis helps organizations to execute on their data. Powered by its market-leading process mining core, the Celonis Execution Management System provides a set of applications, a developer studio and platform capabilities for business executives and users to eliminate billions in corporate inefficiencies, provide better customer experience and reduce carbon emissions. Celonis has thousands of global customers and is headquartered in Munich, Germany and New York City, USA with 16 offices worldwide.

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